How Unveiling Started Working With Girls in India

I started taking students on missions trips to India in 2009 when I was the High School Director at North Coast Calvary Chapel, and we took them every other year. On the last day of our trip in 2013, I shared with the missionaries about the Unveiling curriculum, and they responded with, "Can you bring it to India? We need it here!"

For years I had felt called to take Unveiling beyond the borders of the USA, and I was convinced this was the open door. So in 2014, I took the Unveiling curriculum to India for the first time, and I have been taking a team almost every year since!

In the morning, on the last day of my trip in 2019, I said to one of my team members, "I feel like we need to come to India more frequently. My heart isn't settled coming once a year. God is doing so much through us here. I wonder if we could come every January and July?" That very night, the missionaries said to me, "We would really like you to come to India more often. God is doing a lot through your ministry, and we think you need to come twice a year. Maybe you could come every January and July?"

I immediately burst into tears of joy because I knew the Lord had aligned our hearts and ministry. So, now Unveiling goes to India twice a year.

Rondi Pogue